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International friendship day, time to celebrate your Bff's by CYSM

International friendship day, time to celebrate your Bff's by CYSM

friendship day CYSM

Taking place on the first Sunday of August every year, Friendship Day is dedicated to honouring those people in your life who have always got your back. That’s what Friendship Day is for, to make sure there’s one day a year when you can celebrate your friends and tell them how much they mean to you. 

cysm firendship

Friendship day was founded by Hallmark cards in the 1930’s. The purpose of this day was to celebrate friendship with everyone by sending each other cards. However, in 1940 the market had faded and eventually disappeared.

Another fun fact about the friendship day: In 1988 the World’s Ambassador of Friendship was named at the United Nations. Who is the one, the only, WINNIE THE POOH!! Yes, the adorable honey eater bear.

You can celebrate in to many ways:


Sometimes a simple call can do the trick, the thing is that you just need to let your friend know that you are there for him or her. Just talk and remember funny moments, you will laugh and reinforce your friendship.


Notes are the old fashioned but really personal way to let someone know you care about them, so let's glitter all up and make something crafty and cute for your BFF


Spend the entire day together, go shopping, to the movies and to your favorite restaurant. You'll be glad that you have spent the day with your favorite people in the whole wide world. 


It can be their favorite chocolate, their favorite movie or even their favorite cd (do people still playing cds?). I got a better idea: get them something they need.

friendship cysm

There are plenty of ways that you can show your friends how you feel, from a small conversation to a huge gesture. Just go to a fun place with your bff's and have some quiality time with them. You can celebrate while shopping, eating hamburger or even walking in the park. Now go and call your friends and LET'S BEGIN THE CELEBRATION! 


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